Articles by: Jake Brannen

Jake Brannen AuthorJake is a freelance journalist who has a passion for fantasy sports and betting. He specializes in Major League Baseball and is currently coaching senior men’s baseball in the Niagara region after playing competitively in Hamilton growing up. 

Jake aspired to work in Major League Baseball as a physiotherapist coming out of high school and was accepted to the Human Kinetics program at the University of Guelph. After completing two years of the program, he realized his true passion in life was writing and set his sights on creating baseball content for a major website. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Guelph and was accepted to Centennial College’s graduate Sports Journalism program in Toronto Ontario.

If you are a fan of the Toronto Blue Jays, you can find Jake on the Bird’s Eye View weekly podcast discussing everything you need to know about the team. 

Twitter: jakebrannen_